We are very happy to display the graduates of the TTC this March/April 2009. A late addition to the ashram calendar, our eighth so far at Madurai, had more than it’s fair share of auspiciousness, those that found their way here started the course very much with Gurudev’s blessings and a group trip to the birthplace of Swami Sivananda.
In one week we had the good fortune to enjoy a Mrityunjaya Homa, an eggciting easter egg hunt around the ashram and climaxing in Vishu, local New Year celebration, where all the residents were woken individually at dawn and led blindfolded to the temple for their first sight of the New Year to be one of divinity, auspiciousness, beauty and abundance.
We were very blessed to share the ashram with these Yogis. A small group, we got the opportunity to share some great experience and learn more from them than they can imagine.