Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Meditations on OM: The Iron Safe
Friday, December 19, 2008
Swami Sivananda Pocket Spiritual Gems: Obtain Divine Grace
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Yoga Course Information Nov 2008 onwards
Yoga Info for non resident Indians and non Indians only: Yoga Vacation daily donations applicable - Temporary dorm Rs 500 per day / Rs 7000 per 2 weeks; Permanent dorm Rs 600 day / Rs 8500 per 2 weeks
Nov 2008 onwards Yoga vacation program is not held during TTC, ATTC or SI
A guest who is new to Sivananda Yoga system should stay for the whole 2 weeks – others who had undergone YV, TTC, ATTC or SI , in any of the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres will be allowed to stay any number of days with minimum as 3 days.
The program for 2009 / 10 in the Madurai ashram is as follows: Jan 4 – 19, 09: Sadhana Intensive (SI) – only for TTC graduates(For non resident Indians and non Indians - SI donation: US $ 740 in temporary dorm/US $ 660 in permanent dorm)
Jan 20 - Feb 2, 09: Yoga vacations ( YV ) - 2 weeks duration.( For non resident Indians and non Indians - YV donation for 2 weeks - : Rs 7000 in temporary dorm/Rs 8500 in permanent dorm)
Feb 8 - Mar 8, 09: Yoga Advanced TTC (ATTC). ( For non resident Indians and non Indians - ATTC donation: US $ 1800 in temporary dorm/US $ 2000 in permanent dorm)
Mar 15 – Apr 12, 09: Yoga Teacher Training Course (TTC). (For non resident Indians and non Indians - TTC donation: US $ 1800 in temporary dorm/US $ 2000 in permanent dorm)
Apr 16 - 29, 09: our 14 day Yoga Vacation programme resumes (For non resident Indians and non Indians - YV donation for 2 weeks - : Rs 8500 permanent dorm is only available)
May 09 onwards 1st to 14th & 16th to 29th of every month: Yoga Vacation programme (For non resident Indians and non Indians - YV donation for 2 weeks - : Rs 8500 - permanent dorm only is available )
Nov 8 – Nov 22, 2009 - TTC refresher course
Nov 29 – Dec 27, 09 - Teacher Training Course
Jan 3 – 18, 2010 - Sadhana intensive
Jan 24 – Feb 21, 2010 - Teacher Training Course for Indian residents
please email: or call if you have any further questions, or need any assistance from us, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Telephone:+91 452 291 2950 +91-(0)9442190661 +91-9344677965
Sunday, November 23, 2008
In Indian Culture: Why do we….light a lamp?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Daily meditations by Swami Sivananda: 8th Nov - Ignore Criticism
8th November – Ignore Criticism
Are you the Atman or mind or body? Even though you have read my writings a thousand and one times, you still identify yourself with the mind and body and lose your mental balance when a little criticism is made. So strong is your egoism.
People criticize your body and mind or become your friends. Why do you get agitated then, my dear Krishna? You are still weak. You have not grown spiritually. Ignore criticism.
Why do you brood over past events? You cannot have peace of mind if you indulge in this habit. Rise above criticism and petty remarks. You will then enjoy peace of mind.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Gurugram November 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Meenakshi Ashram Dates for 2008/2009
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Daily meditations by Swami Sivananda: 18th Oct - Spiritual Growth
The man who can see his own faults as he see those of others will soon become a great soul. Have ceaseless devotion to truth and be ready to sacrifice your all for it.
Do not constantly brood over your past mistakes and failures as this will only fill the mind with grief, regret and depression. Do not repeat them in the future. Be cautious. Just think of the causes which led to your failure and try to remove them in future. Be vigilant and careful. Strengthen yourself with new vigour and virtues. Develop your will power slowly.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
October Gurugram
October's Gurugram can be read at
This marvellous world is a great University of wisdom. Learn your lessons and become wise. - Swami Sivananda
Other wise words:
The initial stages in Sadhana will be one of ups and downs. Obstacles and unfavourable circumstances are God-sent chances to make you more steady and strong in will. -- Sri Swami Sivananda
Important Dates for October:
09 - Vijayadasami
11 - Ekadasi
14 - Full Moon
24 - Ekadasi
28 - Diwali
28 - New Moon
Friday, September 19, 2008
Swami Sivananda Pocket Spiritual Gems 7: The Yogi Sees Equality
Monday, September 8, 2008
Daily meditations by Swami Sivananda 7: Look Within
6th September – Look Within
Within you is the hidden God. Within you is the pure immortal Soul. Within you is the inexhaustible spiritual treasure. Within you is the ocean of bliss.
Look within for the happiness which you have sought for in vain in perishable, sensual objects. Rest peacefully in your own Self.
Surrender everything unto Him. Place your ego at His feet and be at ease. Give up all worry, fear, anxiety and tension. He will take complete charge of you. He will do everything for you. Practice. Feel. Assert. Enjoy the Supreme.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Swami Sivananda Pocket Spiritual Gems 5: All Is Full
Om Purnamadah purnamidam
Purnat purnamudachyate
Purnasya purnamadaya
OM. That is Full; this is full; from That Full this full has come; if the full is taken away from the Full; the Full alone remains.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Daily meditations by Swami Sivananda 6: Mind - The Cause of Pain and Joy
22nd September
Neither this body nor the Atman nor the gods nor the planets nor work nor time cause pain or pleasure. It is this wretched mind that causes pleasure and pain and creates this worldliness.
This terrible mind generates thoughts, cravings, egoism, desires and likes and dislikes. Man then does various actions with egoism and expectation of fruit. Therefore, he has to take birth again and again in accordance with the nature of actions
Friday, August 15, 2008
Swami Sivananda's Yoga Questions and Answers 3: How can I check the wave of anger in the mind?
Q: Love and hate existed ever since the world began. Hence are they not both eternal?
A: No. Hate is not eternal. It has an end when love develops to the fullest extent. Hate is an evil vritti. It is an enemy of peace.
Q: What brings forth hate?
A: Ignorance
Q: How can I check the wave of anger in the mind?
A: If you develop cosmic love or universal love, hatred will vanish. Positive always overcomes the negative. Try to behold the Self in all. How can you hate the Self, the one common consciousness? Hatred is the effect of ignorance.
Develop Kshama (forgiveness), patience, Atma Bhava; anger will vanish. Practice of Japa and devotion will eradicate it. Try to nip it in the bud, when it is in the form of a slight ripple. Do not allow it to assume the form of a big wave. Enquire “who am I?” There is no anger in Atman. Anger is a negative mental modification. When you try to see your beloved Lord in all these names and forms anger will fly away with all it’s train of vicious qualities.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Daily meditations by Swami Sivananda 5: The Growth of Love
26th July
Develop universal love. If you cultivate love for all those close to you, you can have unselfish love for humanity. Love for humanity begins at home.
First you love your parents, your brothers, sisters and relatives. Then you love your neighbours, your community and your country. Finally, you love the whole world. Thus, the small seed of love sown in the young mind of the child gradually develops and grows into pure universal love. Love is harmony. It prolongs life.
Monday, July 14, 2008
In Indian Culture: Why do we…. 2 - DO NAMASTE?
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Daily meditations by Swami Sivananda 4: Follow the Rules
July 7th - Even God follows certain self-imposed rules. Think of the universal laws, how beautifully they operate. Think of the correlation of the planets, and with what precision and rhythm they move. Cannot God also leave the world and remain absorbed in Himself? He has His eye on every atom of creation. You should acquire that much of self-discipline if you wish to evolve rapidly towards Godhead.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Swami Sivananda Pocket Spiritual Gems 4: Your Watchword
To serve the poor, the sick and the saint and the country, to raise the fallen, to lead the blind, to cheer up the suffering are your ideals. To have perfect faith in God, to love your neighbour as your own Self, to love God with all your heart, mind and soul, to protect cows, animals, children and women should be your watchword. And your goal should be God-realisation.
Sivananda Gurugram: July
THOUGHT OF THE MONTH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Let your eyes look with kindness, your tongue speak with sweetness, your hand touch with softness. -- Sri Swami Sivananda ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This month: - Be reminded of the 14 points of meditation - read about The Yoga-Kundalini Upanishad, the eighty-sixth among the 108 Upanishads - make chocolate chick pea mousse - New moon 3rd July, full moon 18th, Ekadasi 13th and 28th July - Swami Sivananda's Mahasamadhi 14th July OM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Swami Govindananda update June 08: Swamiji is in Toronto, Canada
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Swami Sivananda's Yoga Questions and Answers 3: Q: How can we steady the mind?
Q: The mind is attracted by brilliant lights, beauty, pleasant colours, sounds etc. How can we bring it back to steadiness?
A: If you follow the path of Vedanta, through discrimination you can clearly understand that what you see is mere appearance and unreal and that the Self, the substratum for the world, is eternal and real. Now the mind will not run towards external objects. It will move towards its source, the Atman within. If you think that the eternal objects are the mere manifestations of your own Self and so exist in you, then also the mind will not run towards, the sensual objects. If you follow the path of devotion, try to fix your mind on the Lotus Feet of your Ishta Devata whenever the mind runs outside. Gradually the mind can be controlled.
Taken from: Yoga Questions and Answers
Swami Sivananda
A Divine Life Society Publication
Monday, June 9, 2008
Swami Sivandanda Pocket Spiritual Gems 3: Maya Tempts
Maya Tempts
Maya tempts the ignorant Jiva-
She puts a little coating of sensual pleasures
Over intense pain-giving objects,A little sugar-coating over the
Ever-bitter quinine pills.
Develop dispassion and discrimination
And attain freedom and eternal bliss.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Sivananda Gurugram: June
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Swami Sivananda's Yoga Questions and Answers 2: Q: What is the difference between pleasure and Bliss?
Friday, May 16, 2008
Swami Sivandanda Pocket Spiritual Gems 2: Tat Tvam Asi
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Swami Sivananda's Parables 1: Parable Of The Lost Wrist-Watch
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Daily meditations by Swami Sivananda 3: Time is Precious
Sivananda Gurugram: May
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Swami Sivananda's Yoga Questions and Answers: What is Yoga?
Taken from: Yoga Questions and Answers
Swami Sivananda
A Divine Life Society Publication
Friday, April 11, 2008
In Indian Culture: Why do we…. 1 - CHANT OM?
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Daily meditations by Swami Sivananda 2: Discrimate and Become Wise
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Swami Sivandanda Pocket Spiritual Gems 1: Who is Happy?
Monday, March 31, 2008
Daily meditations by Swami Sivananda 1
March 31st - Practice Before Theory:
Spiritual practice that is regular, systematic and sincere is of greater importance and necessity than mere theoretical spiritual knowledge.
Even a grain of practice is better than tons of theory. Regularly study the scriptures and other religious literature. Put into actual practice without delay whatever you find applicable and beneficial. Develop the feeling that you must become and ideal Karma Yogi to serve the needy and the forlorn. Keep a spiritual diary. It will hasten your progress.