Q: The mind is attracted by brilliant lights, beauty, pleasant colours, sounds etc. How can we bring it back to steadiness?
A: If you follow the path of Vedanta, through discrimination you can clearly understand that what you see is mere appearance and unreal and that the Self, the substratum for the world, is eternal and real. Now the mind will not run towards external objects. It will move towards its source, the Atman within. If you think that the eternal objects are the mere manifestations of your own Self and so exist in you, then also the mind will not run towards, the sensual objects. If you follow the path of devotion, try to fix your mind on the Lotus Feet of your Ishta Devata whenever the mind runs outside. Gradually the mind can be controlled.
Taken from: Yoga Questions and Answers
Swami Sivananda
A Divine Life Society Publication